2008년 11월 30일 일요일

4th Entry

What do mission organisations do for these people?

What is mission? Is there a difference between Protestant and Catholic mission when their belief is solely based on the same book, the Bible? Is this the limit of people's mind or are we all just analyzing the same book in many different perspectives? Who can mission and who can't? The past 16 years of my life I was exposed to many Christians and non-Christians who have many different beliefs. However, I was never aware of a culture as the Sawi whos culture is just completely different from the morals both the Christians and pagans that I have contact with. I have been taught by both my parents and the church that when there comes a time where Faith is strong enough that I should go out to the world and preach the word of God. They said that this was a process of becoming a missionary. Everytime I was exposed to this same idea of mission I questioned myself, what is mission? Is it going to new and different cultures in the world and preaching the word of God or being in the same environment as I am and doing the much as I can with the circumstances I am living in? I never really got the concept of mission although people around me had a clear definition. After reading "Peace Child" and "Eternity in their Hearts" by Don Richardson I think I got some parts of the very contreversial concept of missioning; I have come to the understanding that becoming a missionary is not just solely on saving others but saving yourself by reevaluating your Faith whilst teaching others.

Back to the question What do Mission Organisations do for other people? I'm not sure. In the article "Do missionaries destroy cultures" I was very confused. I mean I was brought in a culture which origin was not the same as those Western Christianity. I was taught morals and beliefs not only of Christianity but also of Confusionism. Through these experience I came to the knowledge that all those different cultures are supporting or are in some part of the whole concept of Christianity. Since I was younger I would always ask my mother how my ancestors got a chance or opportunity to be saved by God when there were no missionaries? My mother would always answer me in the same way, God has made the world in a way that even by looking at the nature and the his creations we are able to know that there is a God because of how perfectly and magnificantly it is made. After living 16 years I think I finally understand what she meant. Each distinct and unique culture in the world whether their title is different from God's beliefs and teachings there are some corresponding morals and beliefs with Christianity. For example while I was brought up in my Korean culture I was always told to obey and respect my parents. This is based on a wholey different perspective of the world, Confusioncism, yet it still corresponds with one of the ten commandments. Therefore, ultimately I think that those different cultures just enhance the ability to understand the complex word of God.

I thought it was wrong when missionaires went into people's ordinary lives and "destroyed their cultures." I think missionaries could have been smarter as to understanding their main beliefs and using those customs for their benefit in converting the people's religion to Christianity. Ultimately what I want to believe is that those missionaries are not disminishing a culture but rather approaching missioning in a way that provides the new cultures different ways in understanding the word of God than we do.

3rd Entry

How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

I am 16 years old and been a Christian all my life, or at least I've been told that I was a Christian by my parents. But I don't think I have ever asked myself what Faith really means. Preachers, parents, and my friends all talk about Faith but I don't think we've ever discussed what the word really meant. Does it mean the ability to trust in God without seeing the physical or does it mean Christians seeing the world and the metaphysical realm through God's eyes? Reading the book about the Sawi culture I came to the realization that Faith is not trust but more support and origin of strength to Christians. Through Don Richardson I understood that it was his Faith in God which enabled him to go to a culture where treachery and cannibalism was ideal. Back to the question I think Faith has great strength. Today the world is filled with sinners and those who believe that sin is not necessarily bad; sex, homosexual, drugs, murder, and more. Without Faith I don't think that Christians can live through this world where materialistically things have overpowered the things of the metaphysical realm. Many people may think that Faith doesn't relate to the world, but I think Faith is the only thing right reason why God isn't just letting the world die out. Finally I think Faith is the ultimate answer; Many people walk around this world without a purpose and I think that the Faith is the thing they're searching for. Through the book "Peace Child" I think I have become one step closer in learning the true meaning of Faith.

2008년 11월 25일 화요일

2nd Entry

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?

Up until now I don't think I've ever really thought about or even considered that there were people out there in the world who were "uncivilized" to the point where they thought cannibalism and treachery is the ideal. I believe that many times in my life I was selfish and egotistic that I was incapable of understanding the reality of the world. However after reading this story I came to my senses in understanding that there are many cultures that need not only the world's help but the Christian help as well. First of all I believe that the UN should take action and help these cultures understand the rest of the world that they have no contact with. Secondly when the UN goes in and help I believe that missionaries should go in there and help them change their belief systems or at least give them a chance in which they can go to Heaven. Jesus to the Christians are saviors who gave us a second chance in not going to hell and breaking away from sin; I believe that the same type of opportunity should be given to everyone in this world. Although these cultures might not accept the belief, I believe that they should at least be aware of or heard. By the end of the day I think that we, as Christians, should feel the satisfaction and content when we go out to those people who are ignorant and preach the word of God.

2008년 11월 23일 일요일

1st Entry

What factors of your native culture have informed your religious world view? Explain the impact of these factors??

The phrase native culture is something that is complex to me unlike the others around me. This idea is difficult to me because I was raised in two different and contradicting cultures; the Americas and Korea. When I was raised in two different cultures I had a hard time being comfortable every time my environment changed. Therefore, I would consider my native culture to be Korean American, where both the Korean and American culture would be mixed. First of all Korean culture main beliefs are upon Confucianism, where respecting elders and others is the core belief. On the other hand the American culture is all about freedom. These two main beliefs would impact my religious views on not only Christianity but also all the different religion.

The respect idea from my Korean culture ables me to respect all the different types of religion out there in the world. From my Korean culture I was taught not to show disrespect against something I would not be familiar about directly. Therefore, although I might not believe in someone else's beliefs I would never be able to say that their belief is something that is false because of culture I was raised and taught. Also from my American beliefs even if I would not believe the other cultures I would let them have their own freedom of religion. This freedom would support my respect toward others. So these two different beliefs in culture would correspond with each other to help me understand my viewpoints on religion.